Thursday, September 10, 2009


I have chosen this title from my English Language trial paper.
I was delighted at the moment when I first saw this essay title.
As before that, I sieved through some info on the national slogan of 1Malaysia.
Thus, I was quite confident to write this title - UNITY.
However, it was indeed more difficult than that I had ever thought of.
Alright, I had expressed my thoughts towards UNITY through this particular essay.


As the word implies, 'Unity' is considered as universal word that refers to the effort that is contributed by a group of nation and people with predominant passion and responsibility. Everyday as we saunter over the newspapers, our national slogan '1 Malaysia' is always on the spotlight. '1 Malaysia' which was suggested by our present Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak has implicated a strong message to every Malaysian - UNITY.
Our 'respectable' Prime minister has stated that the '1 Malaysia' concept is the guideline on how to achieve “Malaysian race”. Malaysia is a nation of multiraces, no doubt that unity in all races is the ultimate strength to promote the relationship between all races. Thus, we must 'endorse' the '1 Malaysia' slogan in order to bind all the races together and to develope closeness.
Unity consists of various kinds of elements such as efforts, passions, responsiblities, perseverance and strong mindsets. To illustrate, all the people must be proactive and eager to help out together in order to reach a particular target.We must not give up although there are obstacles and hard niches obstructing our way to unity. In fact, we should motivate ourselves to cooperate with others and never ever think of dropping out from a 'group'.
Unity among nations, unity among all races, unity among students, unity among leaders,
we could actually cultivate unity in our daily life. Unity is the foremost important and significant strength that could boost up a country's economic growth. As an example, all races in Malaysia cooperate together to develope a strong base of business interactions and work hard together to promote domestic trade. We share all the valuable knowledge and thoughts together.
In a nutshell, unity is a fundamental element which could tie up the relationship between all individuals of different background. Unity in a nation is the way to lead a country to a more sustainable future. It is the key to success in all aspects. Hence, everyone has the responsibility to cultivate unity.
p/s: Actually I'm not endorsing '1 malaysia' concept, it's simply meaningless. If really wanna promote unity than please don't playing foul on 'rakyat' la. Ask 3 kids of different races posed in front of the camera and asked them to smile~~, is this really showing Malaysians are united?
Please stop all the dirty treats and serve the nation!!

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