1106 > It's my last day of school.
Wow, so slow yet so fast.
It's over five years,
And countless memories have gone past,
First and foremost,
A very special thanks to C.H.,
a highly recognised school which has produced many well rounded scholars,
despite having good and dedicated teachers, and even friendly workers(校工).
A big hug for all my Great Teachers
who had guided and conducted us meticulously,
and also accompanied us through all the ups and downs
during those stressful periods,
all the sequences have come to an end,
however hope that we will still be connected in the future.
*Way to improve my memory
Form 1 teachers >
Cikgu Tee Yoke Kim ( Guru Bahasa Malaysia)
Ms.Ee (English language teacher)
江小萍师 (华文老师)
邱玮琳师 (Guru Sejarah)
林华雄师 (历史老师)
张晓清师 (Science teacher)
张春宝师/陈维秀师 (Kemahiran hidup)
尤老师 (道德)
吴珊珊师 (音乐)
周天采师 (美术)
郑老师 (体育)
Form 2 teachers >
黄爱婷师 (初二孝班主任兼华文老师)
陈良声师 (数学老师)
Cikgu Fadila (Guru Bahasa Malaysia)
Ms. Chong ~ 当过英文干事!
Cikgu Tan/Cikgu Wan Rosdi (Guru Sejarah)
李秀萍师 (历史老师)
陈秀香师(香菇 ^^)~ 记得看我的地图!
陈爱妮师/陈宝宝师 (科学老师)~ 一个很靓女,一个很会教。
杨育豪师 (物理老师)~ 脾气怪怪,但人很洽谈。有一次,你骂我们班“鸟”,过后还叫我们回家找辞典,它的另个读音和意思是什么,结果我回家真的有找。读音是 "xxxx", 心想做么好骂不骂,要骂“那边”,真恶心!
陈良远师 (kemahiran hidup)
莫碧薇师 (电脑老师)
霍旭峰师 (美术老师)
陈志强师 ~ 当过体育股长,也是专长8oom !!
Form 3 teachers >
Cikgu Yew (Guru Tingkatan 3 Ren dan guru bahasa Malaysia)
~ 还记得写过两篇国文周记>>人生中的第一次就给了你. 第一次创作pantun, 1 puisi dan 1 sajak,有一篇刊登在Samudera, haha^^. 听说您的厨艺一流,下次请我们吃顿亲手煮的菜肴吧!
百万云师 ~ 谢谢您赞我独立! ^^
Ms.Meagan ~ My most admired teacher!!
Cikgu Wan Rosdi ~ agak tampan.
唐莱温师 ~ 每次打瞌睡,一定会被你用玩具锤子敲醒。
林慧清师 ~ 在背后默默努力的好老师。
Cikgu Tan Tang Tang (kemahiran Hidup)
王玉春师 (地理老师)
黄明达师/苏利慧师 (音乐老师)
林淑贞师 (至爱体育老师)
Form 4 teachers >
倪子杰师 (高一文忠班主任兼数学老师)~ 无言,谢谢!
Cikgu Intan terpilih (Guru bahasa Malaysia)
Mr. Cheong Khai Fan ~ my most patient and jovial teacher!
苏佩玲师 ~ 其实您教书很认真......
林欣妮师(Guru sejarah)
叶丽卿师 (历史老师)
叶虹昭师 (Science teacher)
Nana Koo ~ 谢谢您帮我搞好bookeep, 让我对bookeep非常兴趣。
饶丽芳师 ~ 也许我一辈子都不会忘记你那灿烂的笑容!
谢静仪师/吴老师 (电脑老师)
曾添才师 (美术老师)
张启镜师 (体育老师)
Form 5 teachers > 班刊写了 ^^
Last but not least, my dearest friends !
Thanks for all the mental support, bd gifts, helping hands and sincerities~
I truely appreciated all the things which dealt with me.
~ Bliss ~
[ Hard work is the price we must pay for success. And I'm confident that you can accomplish your target in life, if you are willing to pay it. ]
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